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Yapi Vpn

Yapi Vpn

  • Tools
  • 1
  • 9.00M
  • by FRS.TECH
  • Android 5.1 or later
  • Apr 21,2022
  • Package Name: app.mbuild.yapi.vipvpn
Application Description

Protect your device and keep your online activities private with Yapi Vpn, the VPN app designed for enhanced security and speed. Yapi Vpn utilizes a renowned protocol-based direct connection, SSL INJECT HTTP WS, to safeguard your data, whether you're connected via WiFi or mobile data (3G, 4G, or 5G). Experience faster streaming, downloading, and YouTube browsing with Yapi Vpn, the user-friendly internet tunnel app.

Features of Yapi Vpn:

  • Enhanced Security: Yapi Vpn creates a secure connection to protect your device and ensure your privacy.
  • Versatile Connectivity: Yapi Vpn supports various internet connections, including WiFi and mobile data (3G, 4G, and 5G), keeping you protected regardless of your connection type.
  • Fast Online Activities: Enjoy faster speeds for live streaming, downloading files, and watching YouTube videos with Yapi Vpn.
  • Simplified User Experience: Yapi Vpn boasts an easy-to-use interface, making internet tunneling seamless and hassle-free.
  • Added Protection: Yapi Vpn provides an extra layer of security for your online activities, including web browsing, safeguarding your confidential information from cyber threats.
  • Improved Overall Speed: Yapi Vpn optimizes your internet connection, enhancing the speed and performance of all your online tasks for a faster and more enjoyable browsing experience.

Download Yapi Vpn today and experience a safer and faster internet browsing experience.

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Reviews Post Comments
PrivacyPro Aug 29,2024

Excellent VPN! Fast speeds and strong security. I feel much safer browsing online with Yapi VPN.

ExpertVPN Jul 27,2024

VPN correcte, mais j'ai parfois constaté des baisses de vitesse. Dans l'ensemble, c'est satisfaisant.

SeguridadOnline Jul 26,2024

Buena VPN, rápida y segura. Me gusta la facilidad de uso. Recomendada para proteger tu privacidad online.

VPNProfi Feb 12,2023

Die Geschwindigkeit ist manchmal etwas langsam. Ansonsten funktioniert die VPN gut.

网络安全专家 Jun 18,2022


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